
Accreditation Handbook and Application Form 2023-2024 08/03/2023

QAHE has updated our Accreditation Handbook with Application Form (PDF) – if you have not yet been accredited by us and interested in our highly recognized accreditation, please review the said Hand

MOU has been signed with Russian Register 08/03/2023

  We are pleased to announce that QAHE has reached an MOU with the Russian Register. In 2003, Russian Register became a member of IQNet International Certification Network. The Russian Reg

Appointment of Prof. Dr Nguyen The Vinh as our Honorary Vice President 08/03/2023

  The Board are delighted to announce the appointment of Prof. Dr Nguyen The Vinh as Honorary Vice President of International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Educa

We are very pleased to announce that International Association for QAHE has reached an MOU with Public Foundation Independent Accreditation Agency “BILIM-STANDART” 02/03/2023

We are very pleased to announce that International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE) has reached an MOU with Public Foundation Independent Accreditation Age

Strategic Collaboration and Reciprocal Recognition with Higher Education Council, North Syria (HEC) 02/03/2023

We are extremely delighted to announce that International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE) has reached a Memorandum of Understanding with Higher Educat

We are pleased to announce that Kowloon Natural Energy Workshop is now fully accredited by QAHE. 02/03/2023

We are pleased to announce that Kowloon Natural Energy Workshop is now fully accredited by QAHE. Kowloon Natural Energy Workshop was established by Ryan Kou (Dr.h.c, CCU/USA) in 2019, which locate

We are very proud to announce that QAHE is now an Institutional Member of Council on International Higher Education Supervision (CONIES) 28/02/2023

We are very proud to announce that QAHE is now an Institutional Membership of Council on International Higher Education Supervision (CONIES). Institutional Members are Quality Assurance Agencies, Accr

We are very proud to announce that QAHE is now an Institutional Member of Council on International Higher Education Supervision (CONIES) 28/02/2023

We are very proud to announce that QAHE is now an Institutional Membership of Council on International Higher Education Supervision (CONIES). Institutional Members are Quality Assurance Agencies, Accr

We are glad to announce that Western Global University has been fully accredited by QAHE 26/02/2023

We are glad to announce that Western Global University has been fully accredited by QAHE. Western Global University W is a non-profit institution in the United States. The institution offers Bache

We are glad to announce that Nile University of Science and Technology has been fully accredited by QAHE 26/02/2023

We are glad to announce that Nile University of Science and Technology has been fully accredited by QAHE. Nile University of Science and Technology ( NUST was established on Apr