
QAHE Proudly Featured on Zee News India for Accreditation of Prominent Institutions 26/04/2024

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) is delighted to announce its prominent feature on the prestigious news platform, Zee News India. The a

QAHE International Accreditation Featured on Business Insider for Ensuring Educational Excellence 26/04/2024

QAHE (International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education) is thrilled to announce its continued recognition and feature on the prestigious platform, Business Insider.

International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) Accredits Rob School's Online Education Platform 26/04/2024

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) is pleased to announce the accreditation of ROB School's online education platform. This accreditation

Distinguished Professorship in Management Awarded to Dr. Nubi Achebo by American University of Business and Social Sciences and QAHE 26/04/2024

The American University of Business and Social Sciences (AUBSS) and the International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) are proud to announce the prestigi

QAHE Grants 5-Year Programmatic Accreditation to Bachelor Degree Program in Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering (Profile: Power Supply) at Kyrgyz National Agrarian University 25/04/2024

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE) has awarded a 5-year programmatic accreditation to the Bachelor Degree programs in Electrical Power Engi

Word of God Seminary (WoGS) Renews QAHE Accreditation for Academic Excellence and Global Impact 25/04/2024

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) is pleased to announce that Word of God Seminary (WoGS) in South Africa has successfully renewed its Q

Tatweer Industrial Inspection & Training Services LLC Dubai and Branches in Oman & Pakistan Attain Accreditation from QAHE 25/04/2024

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) is pleased to announce that Tatweer Industrial Inspection & Training Services LLC Dubai, along wit

Docenti Global Business School (DGBS) Receives Accreditation from the International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) 25/04/2024

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) is pleased to announce the accreditation of Docenti Global Business School (DGBS). This accreditation

QAHE Proudly Featured on EIN Presswire for Accrediting Preah Sihamoniraja Buddhist University in Cambodia for Academic and Institutional Excellence 24/04/2024

QAHE, the International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education, is thrilled to announce its prominent feature on EIN Presswire, a leading news distribution platform,

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) Article on Newsbreak Highlights the Power of Individual Journeys 24/04/2024

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) , a leading accreditation body, is pleased to announce the publication of an insightful article on Ne