Relevant ISO Certifications for educational Institutions and Training Companies

Dec 26, 2022

  ISO certifications are helpful for almost every organization regardless of its size, type, or process. ISO Standard for education guarantees that every educational organization or management system has all the requirements for standardization, quality assurance, and consistency. ISO Certification for educational institutions, schools, and colleges is helpful for the educational system because it helps in the improvement of your management quality, efficiency, builds international credibility, streamlines your organizational operation, and so on. Education is the fundamental need for all learners in the world. It is one of the most competitive sectors in the world. All the learners in the world want a quality-based education system for their holistic development. So, any educational organization needs to achieve ISO Certification for ensuring the learners that they will get the expected quality based education with effective and efficient processes. ISO Certifications will give you the confidence in delivering educational services that meet the requirements of the standard.   Therefore, ISO Certification for Education Industry is highly needed.  

  • ISO standard for the education sector is very profitable because it assesses and identifies all the risk-related to your processes or system and finds a way to mitigate them from your organization.
  • ISO certification is widely accepted in educational institutions or industries as it makes your education more accessible to learners in the field of education.
  • ISO Certification for Education industry helps the educational institutions, schools, and colleges to enhance their management system by intensifying their reputation in the field of education.
  ISO Certification for Education Industry can be extremely beneficial in providing a world-class teaching and learning experiences to the learners. The general standards for educational industries are the followings:  
  • ISO 21001:2018 specifies requirements for a management system for educational organizations (EOMS)
  • ISO 29995:2021(en), Education and learning services
  • ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management Systems
  • ISO 29990 is a quality management system standard for providers of education and training services.
  • ISO 45001:2018 specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system
  • ISO 10015:1999 on Quality management - guidelines for training
  • ISO 10015:1999 Guidelines for Training can help an institution to: Identify and analyze training needs, design and plan the training, provide for the training, evaluate training outcomes, monitor and improve the training process.
  • ISO/IEC 17024:2003 that deals with Conformity assessment - General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons.
  • ISO 17024 is designed to harmonize the personnel certification process worldwide and it describes competency as: ”The demonstrated ability to apply knowledge, skills and attributes."
  • IWA 2:2007, Quality management systems – Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001 in education
  QAHE adopts ISO Standard to evaluate our accredited institutions therefore the fee for their certification would be as low as US$300 each (For institutions not accredited by QAHE, the fee is US$850 each certification). At the moment, we only assist our accredited institutions to obtain their relevant ISO Certifications, if you are interested but not yet being accredited by QAHE, please contact us at accreditation for details. For accredited institutions who are interested to be further certified, please contact us at for more information.