Dr Abdulwahid finished primary and secondary education as valedictorian with leadership awards. He finished bachelor’s degree in medical technology under scholarship grant and graduated Most Outstanding Intern. Received his Certificate in Community Health and Doctor of Medicine under full scholarship from the University of the Philippines – Manila, School of Health Sciences (1994-2000). Obtained his fellowship on Participatory Health Administration Program, JICA at Asian Health Institute, Nagoya, Japan in 2002. He was nominated as finalist for Ten Most Outstanding Young Filipinos (2003). Received USAID nomination to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a scholar for post graduate study at the University of Washington (UW), where he finished Master’s in Public Health (International Health Certificate) from School of Public Health and Community Health and a fellowship on Population Leadership Program from Evans School of Public Affairs (2004-2006). Obtained his Masteral Degree (2017-2018) and Doctor of Philosophy in Peace and Development (2021-2023) from Cotabato State University. With more than 30 years serving the most disadvantaged Filipino Moro people, he spent 15 years in government service and 19 years with international NGOs providing technical support to donor-funded projects with focus in the design and implementation of health interventions in fragile, vulnerable and complex settings. He provided technical leadership, oversight, and strategic direction in establishing and implementing a system of quality health deliverables through mentoring and capacity building at the individual and organizational level. He led in the development of strategic, work, and financial plans in close collaboration with stakeholders. He led the monitoring, learning and evaluation team to design, implement a plan to track data/results to inform adjustments and decisions using learning and data to drive actions. Today, under his leadership, has touched the lives of more than 1.5 million men, women, and adolescents were reached with health information, messages, and benefitted more than 200,000 women and men including young couples access quality family planning, maternal and adolescent and sexual reproductive health counseling, and services in BARMM, annually in the last five years.