
QAHE Recognizes the Importance of ISO Certifications in E-Learning Industry 29/09/2023

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) acknowledges the significance of ISO certifications in the field of e-learning. These certification

Abiola Makinde, Rhoda Makinde, others Bag Doctorate Degrees - Awarded by QAHE Accredited Global Oved Dei Seminary and University 26/09/2023

Global Oved Dei Seminary and University, a leading web-based interfaith learning institution, has recently achieved accreditation with QAHE (International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-tert

Dr. Tan Kwan Hong Receives QAHE Distinguished Professorship in Strategic Management Award 25/09/2023

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) is delighted to announce that Dr. Tan Kwan Hong has been awarded the prestigious QAHE Distinguished Profes

Former Minister Abba Moro Recognized with OSHAssociation UK Fellowship for Advocacy in Safety 25/09/2023

In a significant development for occupational safety and health (OSH) in Nigeria, the Occupational Safety and Health Association United Kingdom (OSHAssociation) has joined forces with the Internationa

QAHE Launches Official Twitter Account! 22/09/2023

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our official Twitter account, @intlqahe! As an esteemed organization dedicated to promoting quality assurance in pre-tertiary and higher education, we are exc

International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) Launches Official LinkedIn Page 22/09/2023

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE) is pleased to announce the launch of its official LinkedIn page at

QAHE Accreditation Awarded to Pluralcode: Empowering Tech Talent in Africa 21/09/2023

The International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary and Higher Education (QAHE) is delighted to announce the full accreditation of Pluralcode, a renowned institution dedicated to bui

Abiola Makinde, Rhoda Makinde, others Bag Doctorate Degrees - Awarded by QAHE Accredited Global Oved Dei Seminary and University 21/09/2023

Global Oved Dei Seminary and University, a leading web-based interfaith learning institution, has recently achieved accreditation with QAHE (International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-tert

Monetary Authority Singapore Chief FinTech Officer Sopnendu Mohanty has been honored by GAFM with Sopnendu Mohanty Honored with 'Master FinTech' Certification 20/09/2023

QAHE (International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-tertiary and Higher Education) and GAFM (Global Academy of Finance and Management) have recently entered into a Memorandum of Understandi

Malta Leadership Institute (MLI) Earns Accreditation from QAHE 20/09/2023

We are thrilled to announce that the Malta Leadership Institute (MLI) has been accredited by the International Association for Quality Assurance in Pre-Tertiary & Higher Education (QAHE). This accredi